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Radical Acceptance
We've had to deal with a lot of changes this year. But there's ways to cope with changes even when we don't want them.
Lisa Rodeheaver
Oct 30, 20202 min read

What to Expect: What is Therapy?
Not knowing what comes after the intake can be kind of scary. What are you supposed to do? What is it supposed to look like?
Lisa Rodeheaver
Oct 23, 20202 min read

Book Review: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Books can often help make us feel less alone and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is no different. Read why this book could benefit you.
Lisa Rodeheaver
Oct 16, 20202 min read

Staying Grounded
Grounding wasn't something we wanted as a kid. Stuck in our rooms and can't hang out with our friends? Heck no. But in a therapy or...
Lisa Rodeheaver
Oct 10, 20202 min read

What to Expect: The First Appointment
If you have ever been to therapy before, isn't the first session the most awkward? Yet often we set a lot of stakes in first impressions....
Lisa Rodeheaver
Oct 3, 20202 min read

Book Review: The Road Less Traveled
I know books aren't for everyone; but they hold a wealth of knowledge for those that do enjoy them. I used to not enjoy nonfiction books,...
Lisa Rodeheaver
Sep 25, 20202 min read

Bookshelves Aren't Just for Books
Life is overwhelming. But there are coping skills to help. Check out this Bookshelf Visualization
Lisa Rodeheaver
Sep 18, 20202 min read

What to Expect: Finding the Right Therapist
Not just any therapist will work. You have to find 'the one.' Are you new to therapy? Congratulations! Read on to find out more on how to...
Lisa Rodeheaver
Sep 6, 20202 min read
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