I received this book years ago and started reading it, got about three chapters in, and stopped. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting. But at the time, I was much more often drawn to fiction. So I decided to give it another go this year mainly due to the fact there were tidbits from those first three chapters that I found myself providing to clients and I figured there might be more tidbits I could learn from the rest of the book. And there was!

Now, it has a lot of information about the brain in it. About different parts of the brain, about how they work together, about how the brain responds to stress and threats. Those parts can get a little bit confusing as you read through the book. I found myself having to go back to remind myself what he was referring to. I think this could get discouraging for some people.
"...Whatever is negative does not change the truth of what is positive." - Rick Hanson
However, the premise is that our brain is 'hardwired' to take and hold onto 'bad' stuff because our ancestors needed to in order to survive the numerous threats aimed at them. He states, and has evidence to back this up, that we can re-hardwire our brain to accept and hold onto the good stuff. It takes a lot of practice though.
He lays out a practice using four steps. The fourth step is difficult but he also suggests that if it is too difficult to focus only on the first three and that you will still have benefit.
His book really walks you through so many ways to pick out the good - good in the day, in others, and especially in yourself. One of my favorite suggestions from the book was to think about what could have gone worse, and didn't. I was baffled by this suggestion but immediately was able to see how gratifying that perception could be, and is frankly. I've tried it.
His last chapter of the book has a suggestion for daily use of his practices - even one that you do this daily practice of the four steps for 21 days!
"Even if you, like me, have done things worthy of remorse, they do not wipe out your good qualities..." - Rick Hanson
Check out more about Rick Hanson and his books at https://www.rickhanson.net/