Therapy Services Offered in Gettysburg, PA
Individual therapy includes you and your therapist working together. Typically, you decide the goals you want to work on in therapy, and your therapist helps you in working toward those goals. Not sure exactly what you want to work on but know something needs to change? That's okay, your therapist can help you define your goals. And goals can be fluid over time because as we change, so do our needs.
Individual therapy is chosen most often as the changes are needed within ourselves, and we commit to making those changes without anyone else involved.
Due to recent worldwide circumstances, online therapy has become more accessible and many people want to utilize online services. Each has their own pros and cons. Pleae be aware that in-person therapy is available at Verity Counseling, LLC. Telehealth options, if covered by insurance, will only be utilized if the therapist or client is sick or otherwise unable to make it into the office, but is not an option for every session.
This is not currently offered at Verity Counseling, LLC. However, it's important to note the option and reasons you might require this type of therapy.
Couples therapy would be undertaken when you want to improve your relationship with your current partner. Be sure to choose a therapist that has training and experience in this area.
Family therapy would be engaged in when the whole family would benefit from work on family communication and understanding dynamics within the family system. Again, be sure to find a therapist with the experience and training.
Oftentimes, with each type of therapy, it may be best for each individual to engage in their own therapy. That's where Verity Counseling, LLC, can help. We can coordinate with your couples or family therapist if need be in order to help work on individual skills or goals needed for progress in couples or family therapy. Ask for more information today!
'What's this CBT stuff I hear so much about?' 'Do you do DBT?'
A modality is a type of therapy - in a basic sense. Different modalities have different research indicating what type of diagnoses or goal it best treats.
Most therapists in the field today use an incorporation of many different modalities and here at Verity Counseling, LLC, I do the same. While I have some training in TF-CBT and am trained in EMDR,we will start off gathering a comprehensive understanding of present problems and then we will work together in order to determine the best course of treatment.